Best Cheap Pet Insurance for Dogs – The Ultimate Guide 2023

Pet insurance is a safety net for dog owners. It provides financial protection for unexpected veterinary expenses that can arise due to accidents or illnesses. This article is the ultimate guide to help you choose the best cheap pet insurance for your dogs. 

The guide provides information and insights on the different types of pet insurance, factors to consider when choosing a policy, the best cheap pet insurance companies, additional coverage options, and how to get discounts on premiums.

Types of Pet Insurance:

Lifetime Cover

Lifetime covers your dog for life for any conditions that arise after the policy starts. This makes it the most expensive type of pet insurance.

Accident-Only Cover

The accident-only cover is the most basic type of pet insurance. It covers injuries caused by accidents but does not cover illnesses.

Time-Limited Cover

The time-limited cover provides coverage for a set period, usually 12 months, for each condition. After the coverage period ends, the condition is no longer covered.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Pet Insurance:

The dog’s breed and age

Different dog breeds have different risk factors for certain conditions. Older dogs are more prone to medical issues, so they may require more comprehensive coverage.

Pre-existing medical conditions

Most pet insurance policies do not cover pre-existing conditions. You should disclose any pre-existing conditions when applying for pet insurance to ensure there are no issues with claims in the future.

Coverage limits and deductibles

Coverage limits refer to the maximum amount the insurance company will pay for a particular condition. 

Deductibles refer to the portion of the cost that you are responsible for paying out of pocket before the insurance company pays for the rest.

Waiting periods

Most pet insurance policies have waiting periods before coverage begins. Waiting periods can range from one day to several weeks or months.


Exclusions are specific conditions or treatments that are not covered under the policy. 

It is important to review the policy to ensure that it covers the conditions that your dog is at risk of developing.

Best Cheap Pet Insurance for Dogs:

Embrace Pet Insurance

Embrace Pet Insurance offers comprehensive coverage with an annual deductible and unlimited claims.

Figo Pet Insurance

Figo Pet Insurance offers customizable coverage with no annual limits and 100% reimbursement options.

Healthy Paws Pet Insurance

Healthy Paws Pet Insurance offers unlimited coverage with an annual deductible and no lifetime coverage limits.

Pet Assure

Pet Assure offers a discounted pet healthcare plan that covers routine care and pre-existing conditions.


PetFirst offers customizable coverage with no lifetime coverage limits and a 14-day money-back guarantee.

Pets Best

Pets Best offers comprehensive coverage with customizable deductibles and reimbursement options.

Comparison of the Best Cheap Pet Insurance for Dogs:

Here’s a comparison chart of coverage limits, deductibles, waiting periods, and exclusions for the best cheap pet insurance for dogs:

Company Coverage Limits Deductibles Waiting Periods Exclusions Embrace Pet Insurance $5,000 – $15,000 $200 – $1,000 14 days for illness, 48 hours for accidents Pre-existing conditions, cosmetic treatments Figo Pet Insurance Customizable $50 – $500 14 days from policy inception Pre-existing conditions, cosmetic treatments Healthy Paws Pet Insurance Unlimited $100 – $500 15 days for illness and 2 days for accidents Pre-existing conditions, dental treatment Pet Assure 25% discount N/A Immediate Coverage Pre-existing conditions, elective procedures PetFirst $5,000 – $20,000 $50 – $500 14 days for illness and injury Pre-existing conditions, elective procedures Pets Best Customizable $50 – $1,000 None Pre-existing conditions, elective procedures How to Get Discount on Pet Insurance Premiums:

Multi-pet discounts

Many pet insurance companies offer discounts if you insure more than one pet.

Annual payments

Some pet insurance companies offer discounts if you pay for the entire policy upfront in one payment.

Paying in advance

You can save on pet insurance premiums by choosing to pay in advance for a longer policy term.

Loyalty discounts

Many pet insurance companies offer discounts to customers who renew their policies.

Pet insurance through an employer

Some employers offer pet insurance as a benefit, which can be more affordable than purchasing it independently.

Coverage Options:

Routine Care Coverage

Routine care coverage provides coverage for preventive services, such as vaccinations and annual check-ups.

Wellness Coverage

Wellness coverage provides coverage for preventive services, as well as coverage for routine procedures, such as spaying or neutering.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

How much does pet insurance cost?

The cost of pet insurance varies depending on several factors, including the dog’s breed, age, and location. On average, pet insurance can cost between $30 and $50 per month.

What should I look for in a policy?

When choosing a policy, you should consider the coverage type, coverage limits, deductibles, waiting periods, and exclusions.

What kind of pets can be covered under a pet insurance policy?

Most pet insurance policies cover dogs, cats, and some exotic pets.

Is there a waiting period for coverage to start?

Most pet insurance policies have waiting periods before coverage begins.

What is the claims process like?

The claims process varies depending on the insurance company. Most companies require you to submit a claim form and provide documentation of the treatment.

Is it mandatory to have pet insurance?

Pet insurance is not mandatory, but it can provide financial protection in the event of unexpected veterinary expenses.

Can I change my pet insurance policy later?

Yes, you can change your pet insurance policy later if you find a better policy or if your pet’s healthcare needs change.


Finally, I hope this article helps you to get your answer to the question “Best Cheap Pet Insurance for Dogs.”

Choosing the right pet insurance for your dog can provide peace of mind and financial protection. 

The best cheap pet insurance companies offer customizable policies with comprehensive coverage options and discounts. 

By following the factors to consider when choosing a policy outlined in this guide, you can find the best cheap pet insurance for your dog.

Thanks for reading! Always stay with The Pet Liker!!