Can Cats Eat Acorns

Can cats eat acorns? Well, the short answer is a big NO. Acorns are pretty dangerous for your cat if ingested in an ample amount.

Mind you, and cats are curious by nature. And, though we may not think of acorns as something terrible, our adorable feline friends and acorns are a bad combination. 

Read on to know all about how feeding acorns to your cats may have an adverse effect on their health. So, let’s get started!

Can Cats Eat Acorn?

According to vet experts, as much as 75% of cats get poisoned after eating acorns. Not only does it cause poisoning, but it also increases the risk of intestinal blockage. 

Acorn poisoning has serious consequences because of a chemical present in it – called tannins. Tannins are produced from phenolic acids and are one of the main reasons for acorn poisoning. If left untreated, acorns can cause severe damage to the stomach and kidney. 

Also, keep in mind that tannin is a micronutrient that keeps herbivores away from a plant. And this chemical is abundant in acorns – especially before they ripen. But, over time, as acorns ripen, tannin levels decrease. 

Plus, there is also a special substance in acorns known as Gallotannin that can cause fatigue and discomfort alongside vomiting and diarrhea. 

Acorns with mold have to be some of the worst kinds of acorns to get poisoning from. Not only will they show symptoms of poisoning, but they will also cause fatal seizures. 

So, acorns are strictly prohibited for your beautiful furry friends.

Can Cats Eat Acorns

Are Oak Leaves Poisonous To Cats? 

Yes, oak leaves can also be poisonous for cats if they are consumed in large amounts. This is because, like acorns, oak trees also tend to carry high concentrations of tannins that can hurt your cat’s digestive system. That’s really harmful!

Some common symptoms of your cat being poisoned/affected by oak leaves include but are not limited to vomiting, constipation, and abdominal pain, amongst others. 

Does acorn fall under the ASPCA toxic plants list?

While there wasn’t any special section dedicated to oak, several types of oak trees are mentioned under the ASPCA toxic plants list for cats

For example, there is the Ambrosia Mexicana, also known as the Jerusalem Oak. If a cat ingests this plant, there may be a risk of vomiting and depression.

Benefits: ✅

There are none. 

Risks: ❌

There are several risks associated with acorns. For example: 

  • Hemorrhagic diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Excessive dehydration
  • Vomiting
  • Excessive urinating
  • Blockage in their digestive tract
  • Sometimes even death.

Servings 🍽️

No servings because acorns are poisonous to your cat. 

Wrapping up:

Well, that’s all there’s to it, people. Now that you’ve got a clear answer to this question, Hopefully, “Can cats eat acorns?”. 

Acorn season is dangerous for all pets, cats, and dogs alike. However, since cats are more curious, they’re more prone to be victims of acorn poisoning. So, be wary of your neighborhood oak trees and always keep an eye on your cat’s behavior.

Thank you so much for dropping in today. You guys are the bee’s knees! 

Read More: Can Cats Eat Rabbit Kidneys

3 thoughts on “Can Cats Eat Acorns”

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