Can Cats Eat Apple Skin

A proverb goes that “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!” Apple is perfect for humans and animals alike. But what about apple skin? Can cats eat apple skin?

Well, the simple answer is YES, your feline friends can definitely have apple skin. The whole apple is healthy but the apple’s leaves, stems, and seeds are not favorable to your cats.

As a cat owner, you must want to know more details about this topic, right? So, without any further ado, let’s directly jump into the article provided below.

Can Cats Eat Apple Skin??? (Elaborated Answer)

As I’ve already mentioned briefly, cats can, undoubtedly, have apple skin as it doesn’t contain any toxic substances.  

You’ll be surprised to know that apple skin is as a beneficiary as apple flesh for your four-legged friend. Yeah, you heard it right!

Most interestingly, apple peel is exceptionally high in phytonutrients. Now, you must be thinking what are phytonutrients? Let me elaborate on this for you.

Phytonutrients are active compounds with amazing health benefits. More elaborately, Phytonutrients are one kind of substance found in some particular plants. Plus, these are also known as phytochemicals.

The skin of an apple contains this amazing ingredient which provides bioflavonoids and phenols that serves magical benefits for your cat’s health. Moreover, these also create immunity against cancer and various infections.

So, we can say apple skin is a great treat for your feline friends.

Can Cats Eat Apple Pie??

Though Apple is an awesome fruit for your cat, apple pie is not. Let me explain why.

As we know, to make Apple pie, you need to bake the Apple but that’s not the problem.

Baked apples might not cause any harm to your cats but the other ingredients mixed with the purie will surely create problematic situations.

Most often apple pie is made of sugar, cinnamon, lemon juice, butter, and apple pie spice is also an integral part of making this recipe.

Mind you, all these substances may hamper the digestion system of your four-legged friend, and eventually, it will make them sick.

So, eating too much apple pie may cause serious health hazards for your cats. The reason behind this is apple pie contains sugar and consuming excessive sugar is not a good idea for your cats.

If your cat takes too much sugar present in the pie, it might cause him diarrhea, vomiting, obesity, tooth decay, and so on.

Hence, we can say that you must keep your furry friends away from apple pie.

Can Cats Eat Apple Sauce??

Another burning question is can cats eat applesauce? The shortest answer to this question is: NO. Applesauce is not recommended for your feline friends. But why?

Well, before coming to the reason behind this negative remark about applesauce, we must know what apple sauce is and what ingredients are used to make this item. 

As a pet parent, you‘ll always be curious to know what your furry friend is consuming. Won’t you?

Applesauce is one kind of sauce and to make this sauce you need to peel apples and mash them together to attain the perfect sauce density. However, cinnamon and fruit pulp are also used with applesauce to make it more tasty and juicy. 

Keep in mind that a high amount of cinnamon is not good for your cats, rather it creates health risks like hypoglycemia in your pet’s body.

Again, not only does applesauce contain a high amount of sugar but it also contains preservatives, which are unhealthy for your pet. 

But if your cat licks a few drops of apple sauce, then it is not an emergency. Providing an ample amount refers to an alarming situation for your cat’s health.

Now you must be thinking if there is any way to feed your cat applesauce without any risk. Yes, there is a solution for that too.

Homemade applesauce, containing low sugar and no preservatives, is applicable to your cats. But processed and packaged applesauce is not recommended for your cats.


The magical benefits of apple skin are a beggar description. Let me tell you about them in a nutshell:

  • The Quercetin compound present in apple skin is a natural antioxidant and you‘ll be amazed to know that it saves your cat from damage to brain cells and also supports the urinary health of your cat.
  • Apple peel greatly helps in keeping the heart of your kitten healthy. Because it contains polyphenols which are responsible for making blood pressure and cholesterol level low and that leads to a healthy heart.
  • An apple with skin contains more vitamins and potassium than a peeled apple. It has 332% Vitamin K, 115 % vitamin C, 19% potassium, and 20% calcium and the amount is remarkably higher than a peeled apple. So, an apple with skin is definitely better for your cat than a peeled apple.
  • If your cat is overweight, then apple peel will work as a medicine for it. The fiber present in apple skin prevents your pet from overeating, resulting in weight loss.
  • Last but not the least, it shortens the risk of glaucoma. So, apple skin is beneficial for the health of your cat’s eye, too.

In a word, we can say that apple skin definitely serves amazing benefits for your feline friend’s health and you, as a cat owner, can’t afford to miss it. 

So, if anybody asks you if cats can eat apple skin, then go on with the advantages mentioned above.


There are no harmful or toxic effects of apple skin on your cats. 

Servings 🍽️

You can cut an apple without peeling it into small cubes and serve it to your pussy cat. But keep in mind that the leaves, stems, and seeds of an apple are hazardous for your four-legged friend.


From the above discussion, I hope you are satisfied with the answer to your query: can cats eat apple skin?

Considering apple skin as a trump card for your cat’s well-being, never ever try to peel an apple for your cat.

Have a nice day and peace out!

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