Can Cats Eat Garlic Bread

Can cats eat garlic bread? Well, the answer to this question is NO

Mind you, garlic bread consists of garlic which is poisonous to cats. So, it is advised to keep your cat away from anything made of garlic. Thiosulphate is a toxin found in garlic, onion, chives, and leeks. Since it’s difficult for cats to digest, it accumulates in their system over time, making them sick.

Cats are precious furry little creatures, and you should be aware of things that can be harmful to them. Cats, as we all know, are naturally curious animals who are not afraid to try out new things they find appealing. So, let’s learn some important facts about cats and garlic. 

Is It Possible For A Cat To Die After Eating Garlic Bread? 

Yes, it is possible. If garlic poisoning isn’t treated immediately, it can lead your cats to death

That’s why it’s highly recommended you contact your veterinarian as soon as possible if your cat ate garlic bread. When cats eat garlic bread, they sometimes get diarrhea, but the symptoms aren’t always visible to humans.

The vet may induce vomiting if it is suspected that the cat consumed garlic. Because the vomiting clears up his stomach and stops Thiosulfate from accumulating there. 

Plus, to help with the Thiosulphate poisoning and control the blood’s PH levels, your feline friend may also need a potassium infusion. 

So, How Much Garlic Bread Can Be Deadly for a Cat? 

It is pretty difficult to give a straightforward answer to that question as it depends on a couple of things such as the size of your pet and how sensitive she is. 

But, don’t stop calling a veterinarian even if she ate just one bite, because even that small amount can be deadly.

How to Keep Cats from Getting Garlic Poison?

The steps to prevent your kitty from garlic poisoning are as follows:

Step 1:

Allium vegetables like garlic, onion, leeks, chives, and scallions should be stored out of the reach of your kitties. It is also wise to keep all poisonous vegetables out of reach of your cat.

Step 2:

Your food should not be shared with your cat. Garlic and onions are frequently used in human dishes such as risotto or pasta. So, consider keeping the seasoned food out of the reach of your feline companion.

Step 3:

Make sure your cat does not enter the kitchen as your cute furry friend will taste whatever they get at their disposal. So, always try to keep your cat away from your kitchen. 

Remember that, besides fresh garlic, you should also be concerned about baby food, broths, and soups, because they also often contain garlic.

Can I Still Feed Plain Bread to My Cat?

YES. If the bread doesn’t contain garlic and also if your cat enjoys plain bread with no additives or seasoning, it is a safe treat. 

But, bear in mind that because of the high carb content of bread, feeding it to your cat regularly can lead to obesity. Bread and other pastries are feline junk food because cats cannot digest carbohydrates.


Let’s get to know some probable risks that garlic bread can pose to your adorable cats:

  1. Vomiting
    2. Diarrhea
    3. Thiosulphate poisoning
    4. Lower PH level

Wrapping Up

Well, that’s all there’s to it, people. That is basically all you need to know about “Can Cats Eat Garlic Bread?”. Hopefully, you now have a clear understanding of what garlic can bread do to your cats. 

To sum it all up, garlic bread can give your cat food poisoning and even kill it. So, make sure to follow the steps mentioned above and keep your cat out of harmful foods. 

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