Can Cats Eat Scallops

Can Cats Eat Scallops

If scallops are one of your favorite foods, then you must be thinking about providing this to your cat too. That’s why one of the most-asked questions in the pet forums is, can cats eat scallops?” Well, the short answer is “YES.” Cats can eat scallops. However, they should be provided with cooked scallops because

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Can Cats Eat Artichokes

Can Cats Eat Artichokes

If you are both a cat and an artichoke lover, you must have come across the question, “Can cats eat artichokes?” Simply answered, yes, you can feed artichokes to your feline friends. Mind you, though artichokes are not toxic to your cats, it’s better not to feed them to your cats. But why? Because they

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Can Cats Eat Salmon Skin

Can Cats Eat Salmon Skin

Salmon is one of the oily fish that has an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids for cats and it is frequently included in cat diets. But now the question is, can cats eat salmon skin? Well, that is what we need to find out. Simply answered, “Yes, cats can have salmon skin, but it

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Can Cats Eat Raspberries

Can Cats Eat Raspberries

As a cat owner, you are always in a hurry to feed your furry friends whatever food items you get, aren’t you? But before doing that think twice if the food is either healthy or toxic.  Now, let’s talk about one of the most asked questions: can cats eat raspberries? The simplest and shortest answer

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Can Cats Eat Garlic Bread

Can Cats Eat Garlic Bread

Can cats eat garlic bread? Well, the answer to this question is NO.  Mind you, garlic bread consists of garlic which is poisonous to cats. So, it is advised to keep your cat away from anything made of garlic. Thiosulphate is a toxin found in garlic, onion, chives, and leeks. Since it’s difficult for cats

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Can Cats Eat Tofu

Can Cats Eat Tofu

Do you consider Tofu as a small treat yet problematic for your feline companions? If your curious mind also wants to know “can cats eat tofu”, then you’ve just landed in the correct spot. Simply answered, though Tofu is not toxic for your cats, it is not healthy either. Tofu is enriched with protein and

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